Python Quick Start


Python (3.5+) version of napkinXC can be easily installed from PyPy repository on Linux and MacOS (Windows is currently not supported). It requires modern C++17 compiler, CMake and Git installed:

pip install napkinxc

or directly from the GitHub repository:

pip install pip install git+


napkinxc module contains three submodules: models that contains all the model classes and two additional modules

Minimal example of usage:

from napkinxc.datasets import load_dataset
from napkinxc.models import PLT
from napkinxc.measures import precision_at_k

X_train, Y_train = load_dataset("eurlex-4k", "train")
X_test, Y_test = load_dataset("eurlex-4k", "test")
plt = PLT("eurlex-model"), Y_train)
Y_pred = plt.predict(X_test, top_k=1)
print(precision_at_k(Y_test, Y_pred, k=1))